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This patient is a 58 year old female who presented to my office with widely spaced, unnatural appearing breasts.  She also had hardening of the breasts consistent with capsular contractures.  I felt this patient would need a complex breast revision with complete capsulectomies, implant exchange, and fat grafting to help improve the cleavage area and softness of the breasts.  I recommended textured anatomical implants for a more stable result and a natural shape.

During surgery I removed the patient's old implants and scar tissue, and placed new Sientra 350cc textured, classic anatomical implants via imframammary incisions.  I kept her implants in the submuscular plane.  After the implant work was done, I harvested fat from her flanks and inner thighs, and processed it with the Revolve fat grafting system.  The fat was reinjected into the breasts (mostly the cleavage and upper breast areas) in order to create a softer, more natural appearance.

The patient healed well after surgery and was extremely happy with her more natural and aesthetic breast appearance.


Procedure: Breast Revision with Fat Transfer

Provider: Dr. Cohen

Age: 58
Gender: Female